Cub Cave

Cub London:
Cub London:
Cub London:

Why fermentation? Fermentation is just another tool that we can utilise to make our ingredients more delicious and, obvs, explore more Heaps Mad Shit.

Fermentation gives us the ability to create new outrageous flavours, increase bio-availability of nutrients, preserve stuff—to produce high-value, delicious things that can go on the menu at Cub and get people to question what they eat, and what they throw away. e.g. Old bread 🥖 otherwise destined for the dumpster, we can make the most delicious miso paste—a wee dab of which makes anything taste delicious—what else could we apply that process to?

This also ties in well with Cub's focus on a lot of plant-based foods 🌱the kitchen would love access to more deep, meaty, smokey flavours. Fermentation can help with this. Additionally, by finding uses for some of their by-products—e.g. bones, offal, blood—we can find sustainable ways to put more fish and meat on the Cub menu, or else make the meat and fish on other people's menus more sustainable .

With a PhD in Materials Science from the University of Oxford, Johnny has spent his recent years using his understanding of science to help people make more delicious food, from the Argentinian Ministry of Agriculture to Michelin-starred Restaurant Mirazur He also explores the future of food through his work co-editing This is Mold magazine —"designing the future of food"—which examines the intersection of food and design .

We're excited to have him!